Work With Me

Updated: 7 April 2019

My Persian Corner at Moghadam Museum in Tehran

My Persian Corner is a hub for all Iranophiles where they can find inspiration, advice, and tips for all things related to traveling in Iran, learning the Persian language, and understanding Iranian culture. Interested? Work with me!

Why should you work with My Persian Corner?

My Persian Corner is more than a language and travel blog chronicling humorous idioms and must-see sites in Iran It’s a place where Iran and Persian language enthusiasts can understand Iranian culture on a deeper level, be inspired by the language, and clear up misunderstandings they might have about Iran and its people. But the relatable and informative content also makes it a spot for other hyphenated Iranians to connect.

Pontia is one of just a handful of Iranian-American bloggers writing in English not just about traveling in Iran, but actually goes more in-depth about Iranian culture and the Persian language. She was born and raised in the US, but her passion for languages and travel sent her all over the world, thus making her astute to cultural differences and adapting to new environments. As an Iranian-American, she has a unique perspective on Iranian culture, but her time living in Tehran truly honed her knowledge to make her an expert on Iranian culture.

What does this mean for you?

You get wide access to readers from all over the world- both those who are interested in Iran and Persian as well as Iranian expats living across the globe. These days, blogs have the ability to influence readers who are looking to gain reliable information from a credible and relatable source.

How can we work together?

You can check out my previous collaborations here. My Persian Corner is open to collaborations that will allow you to reach readers authentically. This includes:

  • Collaborative posts
  • Social media promotion
  • Social media takeover
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Brand ambassadorship
  • Reviews
  • Cultural and travel consultation
  • You name it!

Iranian tour/travel agencies- Kindly refrain from reposting anything on this blog without permission. If you would like to re-post an article, please get in touch with me at the email address below.

Got another idea? Don’t hesitate to contact me! Shoot an email to

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